Humaning is hard | Wear more malas
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Out of Body Mala

Out of Body Mala



Sodalite, Opalite, & Howlite gemstones 

You seek to tap your intuition but you're struggling with a scattered and chatty mind that won’t quiet. Use the OUT OF BODY mala to create a meditative ritual to call you home. Being so all over the place has you unfocused and unproductive. It's time to center yourself so you can attune to your intuitive gifts. Come back to your body so you can be in touch with your inner wisdom. 


6th | Brow or Third Eye chakra


Consider creating a ritual around Mala wearing: when you put your Mala on, do it slowly. Check in with how you are feeling. What's your intention for wearing this? Close out the moment with a deep breath. You just may find clarity of exactly where you are and what you intend to welcome more of in your life. 

Pair with Blue Aventurine bracelets to promote self discipline and settle frenetic energy.


Malas remind us of our abilities to create our own abundance. 

Each mala is handmade with specifically chosen stones and colors that reinforce its intention. We hand-knot in between each of the 108 beads to seal in the intention of the mala and use a .5ml nylon string for strength and extended wear.

Malas are approximately 22” in length and are made primarily of 6mm beads. The size and weight of the 6mm bead make it ideal to wear for long periods of time without being too heavy or long.

The guru bead hangs at about the solar plexus level on someone 5'4" tall. The tassel is 100% cotton.


Humaning  is hard. Wear more malas.

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